
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Ancient Near East :: World History

Ancient advance EastMillions of years ago the procreant low lands in the river basins of Euphrates and Tigris was probably the stem of some animal life, but no great civilizations. However, things change everywhere time, and just a few thousand years ago the same(p) fertile low lands in the river basins of Euphrates and Tigris became the home of a very generative and complex society. This front high society of man was located in what some still call Mesopotamia. The word Mesopotamia is in origin a Greek name meaning land between the rivers. The name is utilise for the area watered by the Euphrates and Tigris and its tributaries, roughly comprising modern Iraq and situation of Syria. entropy of modern Bagdad, this alluvial plain was called the land of Sumer and Akkad. Sumer is the most southern part, period the land of Akkad is the area around modern Bagdad, where the Euphrates and Tigris are closest to individually other. This first high, Mesopotamian society arose as a com bined result of different historical, institutional, and religious factors. The reality of these factors occurring at a specific place within the fabric of space / time indeed established the basis for this first high civilization. Items like irrigation, topography, and bronze-age technical innovations played a big part along with the advent of writing and the practice of social conditioning (through the subroutine of organized religion) in this relatively early achievement of man. The factors of irrigation, inherent topography, and helpful bronze-age technical innovations paved the way for the agricultural revolution to occur in the land of Sumer and Akkad. The populate of the Tigris and the Euphrates basin, the ancient Sumerians, using the fertile land and the copious water supply of the area, developed sophisticated irrigation formations and created what was probably the first cereal grass agriculture. This historical factor resulted in an excess of production of cereals, dates, and other commodities. The military issue of excess is the emergence of a productive peasant agricultural system and a redistributive economy that fuels the progress of civilization. Without a doubt, the Sumerians were highly innovative flock who responded creatively to the challenges of the both the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Not just any spot on the planet is a good prospect for irrigation, and it is the topography of the land and the intelligence of the people that allowed efficient irrigation systems to develop.

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